NanukOur next addition to our new herd was a sweet shy little buck named at the time "little fella". It took several weeks to tame him and make him feel comfortable with us and his new environment. As time went on and we became friends, he got his new name. Staying with the fact he is from an indigenous culture of Sweden, Sami, I decided to give him a name from indigenous peoples of the north, the Inuits. Nanuk just seems to fit him. |  SpireaSpirea has a very lovely udder. I started milking her twice a day for about a month, then tapered down to only once a day. She's a great little milker and took to the milking stand like a champion. |  Milk StandSpirea walks up the ramp and begins eating her grain right away. She's very comfortable with the suction tubs on her teats. She's a great goat to milk. |