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Meet the Goats at Gullringstorp

Meet the Goats at Gullringstorp



Our goats live in the pristine Swedish countryside and enjoy fresh air and grass. Our pastures have never had pesticides. Our fresh milk is clean and Eco-Friendly

New Herd at Gullringstorp

New Herd at Gullringstorp

We are happy to announce that Gullringstorp has become a Gene Bank for an endangered Heritage breed, Lappgetter. Please go to my What's New at Li'l Sis Goat Milk Soap ?



This is one of our very first Lappgetter. Spirea came to us, "in milk" from a recent delivery. This means wonderful new milk source for Li'l Sis Goat Milk Soap



Little Tuva came to us with Spirea. She had recently lost her mother so was needing milk from Spirea. Spirea had been parted from her baby and needed to feed a baby. They came to Gullringstorp, together.

Spirea and Tuva

Spirea and Tuva

Spirea and Tuva were great little passengers as we grove to Gullringstorp. They had delicious branches to enjoy on their new home. They also got to meet Max and Finn, our dogs.

Max and Finn

Max and Finn

Max and Finn were all prepared for the long drive to pick up our new goats. They have their Li'l Sis Eco-Friendly Snuggle Pouches, bed babies and a bone. They ride in comfort with everything to make them comfortable.

Spirea and Tuva

Spirea and Tuva

Our new girls are so loving together as they enjoy the climbing structures at Gullringstorp

Spirea and Tuva

Spirea and Tuva

Spirea and Tuva are enjoying the enclosure and meeting Finn our mini doxie.



Our next addition to our new herd was a sweet shy little buck named at the time "little fella". It took several weeks to tame him and make him feel comfortable with us and his new environment. As time went on and we became friends, he got his new name. Staying with the fact he is from an indigenous culture of Sweden, Sami, I decided to give him a name from indigenous peoples of the north, the Inuits. Nanuk just seems to fit him.



Spirea has a very lovely udder. I started milking her twice a day for about a month, then tapered down to only once a day. She's a great little milker and took to the milking stand like a champion.

Milk Stand

Milk Stand

Spirea walks up the ramp and begins eating her grain right away. She's very comfortable with the suction tubs on her teats. She's a great goat to milk.



As you can see, Nanuk has grown into a beautiful little buck. Not only is he beautiful but here he was going on daily walks with me to bet used to the leash.



Nanuk got lots of big branches in his box until he was ready to go out to the boy's enclosure.



Nanuk has gotten used to his harness which all the goats will have. I just feel it's easier to walk with a goat with a leash attached to a head harness. No pulling on the neck or tugging at throat.



Nanuk really enjoys being out in the boy's enclosure.

Tova and Tindra

Tova and Tindra

Our next and final additions to our herd at Gullringstorp consisted of two little girls and an 8 mos old buck. We were happy that all three were great passengers on the long drive home.



Our 3rd member of our last pick up was Theo. What a beautiful little buck. Well not so little. He's much larger and more powerful than my little Nanuk. He also was a great little passenger on the long trip to Gullringstorp.

Tova and Tindra

Tova and Tindra

The new little girls standing on one of their enriching platforms to play on.

Tova and Tindra

Tova and Tindra

The new babies stayed close together for a few days until they became comfortable in their new environment.

Baby Girls in Harnesses

Baby Girls in Harnesses

Tova and Tindra went through the same process as all our new goats. Quality time in their box to get to know me and my husband. Harnesses go on and after a couple of days, time for walks around Gullringstorp.

Tova and Tindra

Tova and Tindra

The baby girls are off on another walk in the snow. This breed is from the north and are very hardy. They have very thick warm coats of fur.



Here's our second buck, Theo. Look at that sweet face! I just love him. He's a bit of a baby and whines all the time.

New Harness

New Harness

Theo also got a new harness and was a really good boy on the leash. We also went on walks around Gullringstorp.



Theo on a walk at Gullringstorp.

Li'l Sis Goat Milk Soap Bucks

Li'l Sis Goat Milk Soap Bucks

Our girls are wonderful and beautiful. I am so happy to have our 4 new girls. In order for a milk supply to be available, we need a pregnant goat. Bucks are very important to a herd. Theo on the left will produce large hardy babies while Nanuk on the right hopefully will produce sweet gentle babies.

Maternity Ward Update!

Maternity Ward Update!

This is my beautiful Spirea. She's been in a slow moving labor. With that big tummy, we are expecting multiples.

Spirea resting between contractions

Spirea resting between contractions

Spirea had a second delivery but stillborn.We are very happy that her surviving baby girl Aila is happy and healthy.

Maternity Ward Update Spirea

Maternity Ward Update Spirea

Spirea waits patiently for her new babies

#tonguesouttuesday 😊❤🍼

#tonguesouttuesday 😊❤🍼

Tindra was the first to deliver her little girl, Aja

Our little Tova gave birth to two beauti

Our little Tova gave birth to two beauti

Here is Tova with her two little boys Nannit and Issak. She decided to love just one so the other became a bottle baby

Nursery Update__Aja had 2 firsts today__

Nursery Update__Aja had 2 firsts today__

Sweet baby Aja walked in the stable corridor and went outside for the first time

Nursery Ward Updates__Spirea's baby

Nursery Ward Updates__Spirea's baby

Spirea's baby Aila is so precious

Little Bob 😊❤️

Little Bob 😊❤️

Tuva had our last little baby and little he was. Li'l Bob is our tiniest baby goat. To see more Li'l Bob, welcome to my blog.

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